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Video streaming: networks and the game of bandwidth
It is evident that video streaming is on a fast track to becoming the new definition of the ‘Internet’, easily outdoing other bandwidth-intensive applications such as cloud gaming, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). The demand for video content seems to move in tandem with network speeds, given that better speeds translate into faster streaming and improved quality of experience (QoE). One of the immediate effects of a rapid increase in video traffic is the strain it puts on network resources, resulting in network congestion and poor network performance. While this impairs almost all applications to some degree, video takes the biggest hit given its dependency on real-time availability of bandwidth and speeds. What operators need now are the right tools that deliver the required intelligence, timely and accurately, to maintain the required QoE and to successfully deploy their video streaming strategies.
Blog post
Identifying bestseller strategies: analytics and content monetization for telecom operators
When it comes to content business for telecom operators, borrowed strategies rarely work because no two markets are the same and no two operators are endowed with similar resources. This blog article discusses telecom operator content strategies and how real-time analytics of traffic flows help them develop, improve and implement these strategies. It assesses in particular, how DPI-driven analytics help in the choice of content and content partnerships, content delivery and pricing models.
Blog post
Complementing WiFi 6 technologies with DPI intelligence to make the best of both worlds
WiFi 6 provides the technical possibilities for enhancing the robustness, speed and security of ubiquitously networked computing. Deep packet inspection, in turn, improves the data foundation on which the technical capabilities of WiFi 6 are used. WiFi 6 and DPI are both useful on their own, but together, they function as complements that provide a real boost to any WLAN data network.
Blog post
Not a child's play: tackling online safety with DPI-enhanced parental controls
Excessive levels of unmonitored online activity among children could lead to cyber-bullying, potentially inappropriate contact with adults or adverse health effects. By implementing comprehensive parental control measures, operators are able to add value to their service plans, deliver a safer experience for customers and boost revenues and customer loyalty in the long run. How does network intelligence provided by DPI enables operators to provide these controls as part of their service?
Blog post
How subscriber awareness augments mobile network security
Conventional load balancing across mobile networks leaves network security functions with huge visibility gaps. Furthermore, in the context of 5G, the need for higher bandwidth and speeds across applications that are data-intensive and that connect to multiple end nodes simultaneously poses new challenges for operators. R&S®GSRM in combination with R&S®PACE 2 delivers deeper, more granular insights into the risks and vulnerabilities that are present in a mobile network. Operators benefit from enhanced network intelligence to manage and improve mobile network security.
Blog post
DPI solution from Rohde & Schwarz helps Indigo Software reach new high in customer satisfaction
Indigo Software embeds the deep packet inspection (DPI) engine R&S®PACE 2 into their web application security solution to enhance network protection and management. With the new traffic analytics capabilities, Indigo Software has been empowered to expand their business to highly regulated industries and markets.
Press release
Webinar: Secure high-performance networking in the Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is well on the way and carriers can see a major revenue opportunity. Indeed, IoT is the main driver behind many of the requirements for upcoming 5G specifications. But, IoT is not just another service offering; it is a paradigm shift requiring a much more open carrier network than ever before. This raises network performance management and security concerns.
DEM deployments to grow ninefold over the next three years — DPI-driven application awareness critical to sustaining growth
Leipzig, Germany, April 21, 2021 — ipoque GmbH, a Rohde & Schwarz company and provider of industry-leading OEM deep packet inspection (DPI) software, today published their first report on digital experience monitoring (DEM), addressing user experience monitoring for cloud and software as a service (SaaS), and the importance of real-time traffic intelligence provided by DPI. The report, which is based on a survey of leading DEM vendors, finds that 91 % of DEM vendors identify DPI as a key capability for enhancing DEM monitoring insights.
Press release
Building trust and security for 6G networks with DPI
Distributed AI, intelligent edge and intelligent RAN are some of 6G’s prime characteristics. Managing 6G security requires deep packet inspection for real-time insights on new and emerging threat patterns arising from vulnerabilities of a new architecture, an expanded network surface and the rapid proliferation of end nodes. With DPI, operators can implement application-aware security policies for high-performant, reliable and trustable 6G networks.
Blog post
Encrypted traffic intelligence to become a crucial feature of next-gen DPI solutions, says research report
Leipzig, Germany — March 15, 2023 — ipoque GmbH, a Rohde & Schwarz company and a leading provider of next-gen deep packet inspection (DPI) software, today unveils the findings of its latest research report that investigates the evolution of deep packet inspection (DPI) technologies against the growth of encrypted traffic across today’s IP networks. The first-ever report on encryption that is based on the views of leading networking vendors finds a strong demand for next-generation DPI solutions that feature encrypted traffic intelligence.
Press release