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  1. Identifying bestseller strategies: analytics and content monetization for telecom operators

    When it comes to content business for telecom operators, borrowed strategies rarely work because no two markets are the same and no two operators are endowed with similar resources. This blog article discusses telecom operator content strategies and how real-time analytics of traffic flows help them develop, improve and implement these strategies. It assesses in particular, how DPI-driven analytics help in the choice of content and content partnerships, content delivery and pricing models.

    Blog post

  2. How DPI Drives Monetization in the 5G Era

    Nov 21, 2019 - In the era of 5G, DPI’s role in providing network intelligence through fine-grained analytics is expected to be a major driver for monetization. The critical capability of DPI to identify each application in real time allows mobile operators to route traffic along different network slices using 5G’s network slicing capability. This article on explains the many ways in which DPI’s metadata identification and classification capabilities drive monetization.


  3. Boosting telco revenues through DPI-driven monetization strategies

    In response to stagnating revenues and increasing competition, telcos are turning to next-gen DPI technology. This article explores how DPI is reshaping telco's strategies by providing real-time insights, enhanced security measures and scalability for today's telecom challenges. Find out how DPI insights are enabling the creation of innovative revenue streams - from IoT and B2B2X opportunities to end-to-end ICT solutions and consumer analytics.

    Blog post

  4. Keenetic Limited integrates DPI software from Rohde & Schwarz into Wi-Fi routers to boost wireless network performance

    Leipzig, Germany, May 5, 2021 — ipoque GmbH, a Rohde & Schwarz company and industry-leading manufacturer of OEM deep packet inspection (DPI) software, today announced that the Wi-Fi solutions provider Keenetic Limited has licensed their DPI engine R&S®PACE 2 to add granular IP traffic visibility to the company’s entire portfolio of wireless routers. R&S®PACE 2 provides detailed insights into network traffic with application and user-level visibility. This visibility is key for Keenetic to meet customer needs by improving device performance, end-user experience and enhancing network security measures.

    Press release

  5. Protecting digital assets: How DPI-driven digital rights management ensures secure monetization

    How can DRM tools stay ahead in an era of multiscreen trends, OTT apps, and growing cybersecurity challenges? Our latest article dives into the game-changing role of deep packet inspection (DPI) and encrypted traffic intelligence (ETI). Discover how these technologies empower DRM solutions to monitor content movement, enforce access controls, and combat piracy, all while enabling seamless management of digital assets and marketplaces. Read more to see how industry giants like Apple, Netflix, and Amazon are safeguarding their content.

    Blog post

  6. Better together: How the DPI software R&S®PACE 2 helps Celare to set themselves apart from the competition

    The company Celare, founded in May 2012 and one of my key customers from Israel, evolved into a leading network security company with a broad cybersecurity portfolio for various markets. To find out more about their success, and how they set themselves apart from the competition with our advanced DPI engine R&S®PACE 2, I talked to Sharon, my key contact and CTO at Celare.

    Blog post

  7. Is DPI still relevant in the age of encryption?

    Deep packet inspection, a staple for real-time network analytics, is very much dependent on packet readability. Unfortunately, as more and more IP networks and applications start using advanced encryption protocols, the resulting visibility gaps raise questions about the efficacy and the relevance of DPI in delivering accurate traffic analysis at the packet and flow level. Read this article to learn more about the growing need for encrypted traffic intelligence and the demand for next-gen DPI featuring advanced inspection techniques such as machine learning and deep learning.

    Blog post

  8. Product demo: Next-gen DPI with encrypted traffic intelligence

    Keeping up with the continuous advancements in encryption presents a challenge for deep packet inspection in providing real-time insights on IP traffic. However, to maintain network functionalities that depend on immediate detection, DPI must incorporate additional techniques capable of identifying encrypted, obfuscated, and anonymized traffic. Discover how machine learning and deep learning can complement DPI to deliver encrypted traffic visibility.


  9. Towards zero downtime: DPI delivers new levels of visibility for application performance monitoring

    Distributed environments and rapid CI/CD challenge APM tools that are crucial for ensuring optimal user experience and service levels. Next-gen DPI integrated into application performance monitoring (APM) solutions offers granular traffic insights for private, Cloud and SaaS applications, spanning traditional, virtualized, containerized and hybrid stacks. DPI’s real-time application and threat awareness enables APM tools to monitor, diagnose and resolve application issues, while leveraging AI-based automation to bring performance to the next-level.

    Blog post

  10. Working Student Werkstudent Content Creator mit Schwerpunkt Video (m/w/d)

    *Du trägst mit deinen kreativen Ideen zur Weiterentwicklung unsere Content-Formate bei*In deiner Rolle bist du aktiv in das tagesaktuelle Redaktionsgeschehen eingebunden und übernimmst die Erstellung, Steuerung und Nachverfolgung von Content*Du fühlst dich vor und hinter der Kamera pudelwohl und entwickelst unsere Videocontent-Formate wirkungsvoll weiter*Du bearbeitest Videos mit Adobe Premiere und bringst dabei deine Kreativität ein*Zu deinen Aufgaben zählt auch die Entwicklung neuer, reichweitenstarker Content-Formate in Text, Bild und Ton*Darüber hinaus unterstützt du unser Team bei der Organisation und Durchführung von Events (analog, hybrid, digital)
