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  1. Is DPI still relevant in the age of encryption?

    Deep packet inspection, a staple for real-time network analytics, is very much dependent on packet readability. Unfortunately, as more and more IP networks and applications start using advanced encryption protocols, the resulting visibility gaps raise questions about the efficacy and the relevance of DPI in delivering accurate traffic analysis at the packet and flow level. Read this article to learn more about the growing need for encrypted traffic intelligence and the demand for next-gen DPI featuring advanced inspection techniques such as machine learning and deep learning.

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  2. How next-gen DPI addresses the shortcomings of SSL/TLS inspection

    Decryption using SSL/TLS inspection is admittedly the simplest method to address the loss of traffic visibility due to encryption. Deciphering the payload information provides all the prerequisite information at the packet level, allowing network administrators to manage and secure traffic flows effectively and efficiently. This article highlights the shortcomings of SSL/TLS. It discusses how next-gen DPI, equipped with encrypted traffic intelligence (ETI) addresses these limitations by combining advanced techniques such as machine learning, deep learning and advanced caching.

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  3. TLS 1.3, ESNI, ECH and QUIC: Taming new age cryptography with DPI and AI/ML-based encrypted traffic intelligence

    Complex encryption protocols often lead to huge gaps in traffic visibility. This article explores the latest encryption protocols, such as TLS 1.3, DoX and ESNI, and how progressive erosion of traffic information, such as handshake and packet payload data, impact traditional DPI. It looks at how AI-based techniques, including machine learning and deep learning, tackle these protocols and why next-gen DPI is a must for modern networks.

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