Webinar: DPI-driven network visibility: open-source vs commercial

Published on: 30.07.2024

Daniel Findeisen, Application Engineer at ipoque and Ariana Lynn, Principal Analyst at the Fast Mode

This webinar discusses findings from our recently released report titled 'State of Open-Source DPI - Challenges, Opportunities and Alternatives', which is based on a survey of 48 leading networking and cybersecurity vendors. It highlights the role of open-source DPI, the factors pushing its take-up and vendors' views on its effectiveness in addressing their traffic intelligence requirements. The webinar also discusses alternatives to open-source DPI, focusing on ipoque's cutting-edge DPI technology which comes with highly-advanced features and capabilities, and which offers existing users of open-source DPI an excellent alternative to deliver enhanced application and threat awareness.

Watch the on-demand webinar to learn about:

  • Classification techniques used in open-source DPI
  • Open-source DPI’s signature libraries and support for encrypted traffic
  • Benefits and challenges of open-source DPI, including long-term costs
    and security implications
  • Factors pushing vendors to switch to commercial DPI and the role of
    migration tools
  • Features and capabilities of ipoque's OEM DPI engine, R&S®PACE 2
  • ipoque's encrypted traffic intelligence (ETI) and its role in addressing
    current visibility issues
  • Why ipoque?