Network equipment and software vendors need to find ways to make network traffic visible despite expanding technologies such as cloud computing, 5G, 6G and widespread encryption as well as frequent changes in protocols and applications. Next-gen deep packet inspection software by ipoque provides granular network traffic insights by detecting protocols, applications, application attributes and services types (for example video, audio, chat or file transfers in a messaging client).
Our next-gen DPI features metadata extraction revealing specific information on speed, latency, user locations, jitter, bandwidth consumption, type of devices, etc. With a wide range of traffic classification methods, including port-based matching, pattern matching, behavioral analysis and statistical/heuristic analysis, our next-gen DPI provides more than standard DPI and delivers modern networks with what they need most – intelligence.
Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) capabilities enhance classification accuracy and enable encrypted traffic intelligence (ETI). Deployed as a software or purpose-built hardware, our next-gen DPI can perform large-scale traffic filtering, inline or out-of-bound, in any part of an IP network.
Download our solution guide to understand how to enhance your networking, telco or cybersecurity solution with powerful application awareness! Our next-generation DPI engine R&S®PACE 2 or the cloud-native vector packet processing (VPP) DPI engine R&S®vPACE boost your solution with market-leading DPI technology superior in performance, reliability and ease of use.